1. 李剑锋、刘信源、程芳琴*,Bio-refractory organics removal and floc characteristics of poly-silicic-cation coagulants in tertiary-treatment of coking wastewate,Chemical Engineering Journal (TOP期刊),324: 10-18(2017),SCI 1区。
2.王菁, Kailiang Zheng b, Ravinder Singh b, 娄慧如b, Jiangping Hao c,王宝凤 程芳琴*; Numerical simulation and cold experimental research of a low-NOx combustion technology for pulverized low-volatile coal;Applied Thermal Engineering;114 (2017) 498–510;SCI2区TOP。
3. 郭彦霞、赵泽森、程芳琴*,Novel process of alumina extraction from coal fly ash by pre-desilicating—Na2CO3 activation—Acid leaching technique,Hydrometallurgy,169 (2017) 418–425,SCI2区。
4. 高建明、张梅(外)、程芳琴*、郭敏(外),Process development for selective precipitation of valuable metals and simultaneous synthesis of single-phase spinel ferrites from saprolite-limonite laterite leach liquors,Hydrometallurgy,2017,173,98-105,SCI2区。
5. 燕可洲、郭彦霞、方莉、崔莉、程芳琴*、李彤阳,Decomposition and phase transformation mechanism of kaolinite calcined with sodium carbonate,Applied Clay Science,147 (2017) 90–96,SCI2区。
6. 马志斌, 田秀青,廖洪强,郭彦霞, 程芳琴*.,Improvement of fly ash fusion characteristics by adding metallurgical slag at high temperature for production of continuous fiber,Journal of Cleaner Production,,2018, 171: 464-481. SCI2区。
7. 李剑锋,李恩泽,申静/杜志平*/程芳琴*,Facile generation of rod-like PbCl2 crystals from Pb(II) aqueous solutions induced by Aliquat 336 at room temperature,Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology,2017, 92: 2410–2416,SCI 2区。
8. 张晨, 李剑锋*, 陈祖亮, 程芳琴*,Factors controlling adsorption of recalcitrant organic contaminant from bio-treated coking wastewater using lignite activated coke and coal tar-derived activated carbon,Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology,2017,doi:10.1002/jctb.5328,SCI 2区。
9. 李剑锋, 刘信源, 王淑军, 杜志平*, 郭毅民, 程芳琴*,Synthesis and optimization of a novel poly-silicic metal coagulant from coal gangue for tertiary-treatment of coking wastewater,Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology,2017, doi:10.1002/jctb.5362,SCI 2区。
10. 成怀刚, 张云云 , 王鑫 ,程芳琴 ∗, 韩静 , 赵静,王楠 , 孙阳,Theoretical and experimental investigation of time-varying properties in the coagulation of kaolinite containing wastewater by gypsum,Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers,71 (2017) 253–259,SCI 2区。
11. 薛占金、秦作栋(外)程芳琴、丁光伟、李洪建,Quantitative assessment of aeolian desertification dynamics– A case study in north Shanxi of China (1975 to 2015),Scientific Reports,2017,10.1038/s41598-017-11073-8,SCI 2区。
12. 武俊智、王宝凤、程芳琴;pre-desilicating—Na2CO3 activation—Acid leaching technique;Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry;DOI 10.1007/s10973-017-6341-1;SCI3区。
13. 成怀刚、张建伟、吕慧斌、郭彦霞、程文婷、赵静、程芳琴,Separating NaCl and AlCl3 6H2O Crystals from Acidic Solution Assisted by the Non-Equilibrium Phase Diagram of AlCl3-NaCl-H2O(-HCl) Salt-Water System at 353.15 K,crystals,2017, 7, 244:1-8,SCI 3区。
14. 范远, 李华, 薛占金, 张强*,程芳琴*,,Accumulation characteristics and potential risk of heavy metals in soil-vegetable system under greenhouse cultivation condition in Northern China.,Ecological Engineering,2017, 102: 367-373.,SCI 3区
15. 李恩泽、杜志平、李达、程芳琴*,Specific Ion Effects of Salt Solutions on Colloidal Properties of Octadecylamine Hydrochloride,Journal of Surfactants and Detergents,(2017) 20:483–491,SCI 3区。
16. 李恩泽, 王旭明, 杜志平, Jan D. Miller,∗, 程芳琴*,Specific anion effects on adsorption and packing of octadecylaminehydrochloride molecules at the air/water interface,Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and,522 (2017) 544–551,SCI 3区。
17. 薛占金,秦作栋,程芳琴,Guangwei Ding, Hongjian Li.,Long-term dynamic characterization of aeolian desertification in Northwest Shanxi, China.,Environmental Science and Pollution Research,DOI: 10.1007/s11356-017-9397-3,SCI 3区。
18. 路广军, 张锴, 程芳琴*.Influence of pine sawdust on SO2 retention by CaO in coal slime briquette. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects,39(16): 1754-1761, 2017,SCI4区。
19. 路广军, 张锴, 程芳琴*,The Combustion Characteristics of Anthracite and Pine Sawdust Blends. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects,39(11): 1131-1139, 2017,SCI4区。
20. 路广军, 张锴, 程芳琴*,The Fusion Characteristics of Ashes from Anthracite and Biomass Blends,Journal of the Energy Institute,DOI: 10.1016/j.joei.2017.05.001, 2017,SCI4区。
21. 狄子琛, 杨凤玲, 曹晏, 程芳琴∗ 张锴,Properties of binderless coal slime briquette via hydrothermal hot pressing dewatering,Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects,39,(12):1222–1227,2017, SCI4区。
22. 王宝凤a,b,*,刘晓红、张军军、程芳琴*,Pyrolysis behavior of corncob and coal gangue with modified medical stone and HZSM-5 based additives,Fuel,211:816–826(2017),SCI4区。
23. 高建明、程芳琴*,Effect of preparation conditions on the structure and magnetic properties of metal-doped magnesium ferrites synthesized from laterite leaching solutions,Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism,DOI:10.1007/s10948-017-4354-4,SCI 4区。
24. 高建明、程芳琴*,Facile synthesis of magnetically recyclable Fe2O3-MFe2O4 photocatalyst from saprolite-limonite laterite leach liquors , Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism,DOI:10.1007/s10948-017-4354-4,SCI 4区。
25. 张晨,陈祖亮,郭毅民,李剑锋*/程芳琴*,Removal of recalcitrant organic pollutants from bio-treated coking wastewater using coal-based carbonaceous materials,Desalination and water treatment,2017 doi:10.5004/dwt.2017.20790 ,SCI4区。
26.李剑锋,刘妍君、Xiaoning Li, 程芳琴*,Reactor performance and membrane fouling of a novel submerged aerobic granular sludge membrane bioreactor during long-term operation.,Journal of water reuse and desalination,2017, doi:10.2166/wrd.2017.019,SCI4区。
27. 赵静,成怀刚,王晓,程文婷,程芳琴*,Experimental investigation and cost assessment of the salt production by solar assisted evaporation of saturated brine. Chinese journal of chemical engineering,SCI4区。
28. 宋慧平、魏利芳、纪莹璐、程芳琴*,High-Strength Solidification of Fly Ash/Carbide Slag and Its Fixing Ability for Heavy Metals,Journal of Residuals Science & Technology,,2017, 14(1):156-160.,SCI 4区。
29. 郭钛星、孔卉茹、张媛媛、杨凤玲、程芳琴,基于无筒仓的实时优化配煤系统研究,洁净煤技术,(2017)23,1:7-12,核心期刊。
30. 李文秀1,王宝凤1,任杰2,张锴3,杨凤玲1,程芳琴1,*,煤O2/CO2气氛下燃烧时内在矿物质对SO2和NOX排放特性的影响,燃料化学学报,2017,45:1200-1208,核心期刊。
31. 武俊智、杨凤玲、程芳琴,煤泥与玉米芯混燃过程TG-MS研究,洁净煤技术,2017,23(5):72-76,核心期刊。
32. 王民武、孟文宇、任杰、张锴、杨凤玲、程芳琴,330MW燃贫煤机组SCR脱硝系统分析及诊断,洁净煤技术,2017,23(5):98-104,核心期刊。
33. 贾阳杰、吴海滨、杨凤玲、李浩宇、程芳琴,小型家用炊暖两用炉的设计与优化,煤炭加工与综合利用,2017,9:85-89,核心期刊。
34.. 王皓、马志斌、廖洪强、程芳琴,高温下多种工业固体废弃物复配体系的熔融特性研究,硅酸盐通报,(2017)36,1:296-300,核心期刊。
35. 田秀青,杨凤玲,马志斌*,程芳琴,气氛对煤矸石中矿物质高温碳热还原反应的影响,硅酸盐通报,核心期刊。
36 .杨茹霞,孙慧芳*,张国栋,李剑锋,程芳琴,聚合氯化铝靶向混凝去除焦化废水难降解有机物的研究,工业用水与废水,核心期刊。
37. 程芳琴、王波、成怀刚,粉煤灰提取高附加值有价元素的技术现状及进展,无机盐工业,(2017)49,2:1-4,核心期刊。
38. 申婧、杜志平 、 李恩泽、 程芳琴,离子液体对Cd(Ⅱ)的萃取性能的研究,工业水处理,2017,37 (2) :87-90,核心期刊。
39. 姚星亮、廖洪强、宋慧平、程芳琴,钢渣超微粉理化特性,钢铁研究学报,2017,29,(3):195-200,核心期刊。
40. 廖洪强,姚星亮,宋慧平,程芳琴,钢渣超微粉的粒度分布测试条件研究,冶金分析,2017,37(1):8-14,核心期刊。
41. 周冬冬、廖洪强、宋慧平、程芳琴、刘会军、李薇、张美霞,实验参数对固废基发泡混凝土试块性能的影响研究,硅酸盐通报,2017,36(7):2459-2466,核心期刊。
42. 张金才, 程芳琴,采用工业固废复配无机胶凝材料的试验研究,新型建筑材料,2017,,4(442):8-11,核心期刊。
43. 刘汉斌、李淼、郭彦霞、程芳琴,宁武煤田煤炭共伴生矿产分布特征和前景分析,能源与环保,2017,39(7):59-64,核心期刊。
44. 刘汉斌、李淼、郭彦霞、程芳琴,山西煤中有害微量元素分布特征与富集规律,洁净煤技术,2017,23(3):20-23,核心期刊。
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